Hemp is the same species of a plant just as cannabis. But, unlike cannabis, it contains a low level of THC which is tetrahydrocannabinol. Both cannabis and hemp contain cannabinoids such as cannabigerol (CBG), CBD, Cannabidivarin (CBDV), and so on. There are multiple CBD products such as CBD Tincture which is popular nowadays. But do you wonder if all CBD comes from hemp? Do you have some questions in mind? We will clear them all today.

Hemp seeds are rich in healthy fats including omega-6, omega-3, and fatty acids. People mostly use hemp for high cholesterol, arthritis, eczema, constipation, and many other conditions. Its fiber has been utilized for so many years to produce cloths, weaves, papers, and home décor items.

Forms of Hemp

hemp comes in three forms, that are:

  • hemp seed
  • hemp oil
  • hemp fiber

Hemp oil and seeds are generally used for nutritional or dietary purposes. But hemp fibers are used in making industrial things like clothing, making ropes, cables, strings, etc.

Benefits of Using Hemp

Hemp seed is the most important part of the plant when it comes to nutrition. You can have it whole or without its hull. It can also be turned into milk which is similar to soy milk. The hemp seed oil also can be used as cooking oil. Besides this, hemp seed supplements are there for the benefit of your health. Hemp seeds contain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that provide health benefits. As it is rich in vitamin E, it will help keep your immune system functioning. It acts as antioxidants that help you to reduce free radicals which can cause cell damage in the body.

5 Myths About Hemp that is Not Right

Hemp is becoming popular with the passing year. Some people believe that it is a form of marijuana. Many believe all CBD products derive from it. So, there are so many misconceptions about hemp. So, here, we will dispel the rumors and myths about hemp.

  1. Marijuana and hemp are the same things

People think that they are from the same species of plant that is Cannabis sativa. But they are different cultivars. When cannabis contains a large amount of psychoactive and THC, then it is called marijuana. But, on the other hand, when the plant is non-psychoactive and has some traces of THC, then it is characterized as hemp.

  1. All CBD products are from Hemp

This is a partial myth as most of the CBD products come from hemp, but not all. We can see the presence of cannabidiol in both hemp and marijuana. CBD products that are derived from hemp are safe and legal. So, you have to be careful if you are purchasing some of these products online. However, always check to ensure that all the products have 3% or less amount of THC.

  1. Cultivators mix marijuana with hemp

It is one of the biggest anti-hemp arguments. It basically shows that, as hemp and marijuana are visually inseparable, illicit cultivators are concealing plants of marijuana amidst the hemp field. But this can’t happen as you can’t mix two of them. Hemp grows leaner and taller than marijuana. Besides, an agricultural inspector can easily spot the difference between them.

  1. Hemp needs lots of water to grow

This is the biggest myth of all. In comparison to cotton, wheat, soy, corn, and rice, it uses very less water. You can save 9 million liters of water if you grow hemp. Nevertheless, it absorbs CO2 from the air five times more than any other tree. That is why hemp is considered to be the fastest-growing crop in the world.

  1. Hemp is the protein for vegans

It is a complete protein that contains all kinds of amino acids. It is a huge source of protein and because of that people add hemp to all their dishes. It is also beneficial for every diet. Not only in vegan food but also you can coat your fish with hemp seeds. Furthermore, you can also mix hemp protein into your meat dishes. Apart from these, people also use the oil in lamb dishes.


Hemp is something that has been cultivated for centuries. Legal hemp is now the new frontier in our modern market. But, even now there is a lot of confusion around the most versatile crop. We hope that these hemp myths will disappear as the market will expand. Until then, do not fall for any myths regarding this crop.